Thursday, April 13, 2006

Law School is Not LIBERAL

I go to law school in one of those North American schools, in a city most would call progressive, but having briefly attended the undergrad and now being at the law school, let me say that it is not liberal. Moderate yes. Conservative, well I guess that depends on your definition, but the Federalist Society does have members.

Anyway, I'm at an Outlaws meeting (law school humor for the BLGT group) and someone makes a comment in that meeting about how we're at a liberal school (I, of course, mentioned that I disagree with that statement). Within minutes of that comment we're talking about the upcoming military visit and a comment gets made about how we don't want to protest because we don't want to alienate our military supporting allies. The talk continues about creating alliances with the military. To which I was said "Woa nelly! You may not want to alienate the military, but we sure don't need to become be falls with them. Not all of us support the military."

Anna* responded "You don't mean that, you mean you don't support the war, but you can still support the military."

"Um no, I mean I do not support the military. That's right, the people serving in this illegal war are doing so completely voluntary - remember we do not have a draft. Additionally, even if it is at the bequest of the administration, individual members of the military are the ones creating horrific human rights violations. I understand that there are all sorts of reason people go into the military (financial difficulties, looking for community, family tradition, etc.), but until they work on cleaning up their act (because let's not also forget how rampant violence against women is in the military), I will not be pro-military. And who know, given my pacifist tendencies, maybe not even then. Give me a department of piece, and maybe, just maybe I could get behind that. Maybe pay people billions of dollars to go and help other countries build water systems, treat disease, etc., now maybe that would make me pro-military. Until then, please don't speak for me."

Oh but wait the drama continues! Who would have ever thought that suggesting the LBGT Group on Campus have a rainbow flag at an event would be a controversial topic?! But alas it is - b/c we might not want to be too visible! Why - you're going to love this, because people who are in the closet may not feel comfortable approaching us. Yes that's write, because somehow if we don't put a gay flag up, people struggling with their sexuality will suddenly feel perfectly comfortable approaching our booth. What planet are these people living on? If your gay organization is afraid to admit is gay, the only thing you're going to do for the people struggling with their sexuality is make them feel like the UW is not a safe place to be out.

*All names fictional

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