Monday, July 14, 2008

McCain speaks out against gay adoption

I can't believe how far to the right McCain is going. He has said that gays shouldn't be able to adopt. Seriously?! I know Florida is a swing state and all, but they are the only state in the nation with a blanket policy.
I just think people are so ignorant some times. What would a no-adoption policy have? Would it be retroactive? Would it apply to second parent adoptions?
Whatever happened to the "Best Interest of the Child" anyway? Is our national foster care system that cannot find safe, secure homes or foster care placements, often subjecting to children to deplorable conditions, violence, and change in homes really a better options? And what about the gay kids? Should they not be adoptable? Or should we just mandate conversion therapy - screw the fact that it doesn't work and every mental and physical health organization has a policy against it - we got to "fix" them while we can.
Ugh! Seriously, why can't we just try to do right by each other? Why can't we just respect each other even if we don't understand each other?

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