Sunday, September 06, 2009

Expanding on the Get Back in the Closet Comment

The Referendum 71 post was something I put up on my Facebook page - and there's a thought in that piece that I want to explore explaining further.

In my mind a big part of what this bill is about is really an opinion poll on the legitimacy of my existence (and that of all other gay people, coupled, singled, etc.). Most people (on either side) are not going to take the time or effort to understand what is at stake. If King5's report that I watched today is any indication, media is going to do very little to provide accurate information. Basically what people are voting on is how much the state can discriminate against the gays. If we approve the law, we're saying the level of discrimination should be minimal, possibly even indicating that we reject this stupid separate but totally unequal set-up. If those voting to reject it win, they will be saying go back in the closet faggot/dyke.

The thing is I believe that all the Defense of Marriage Acts, the Constitutional Amendments banning marriage, etc. have far less to do with actually trying to prevent gay and lesbian people from existing. I don't even think any of them truly believe that it stops us from having children. Florida and Oklahoma are the only states that have taken serious steps with regard to preventing us from having children. Or at least from adopting.

So when the fight actually accomplishes little, at least substantively, what is it about? Sure it's a culture war. But is it really that simple? What is the point of all of it? Why on earth do people spend so much time fighting over whether other people can have a life with the same legal protections as other couples? What do they gain from it? Why on earth is it worth the energy? We are constantly being told we're an apathetic society, yet people will rail against things like same-sex marriage and abortion. They will devote their lives to fighting against it. In some situations they will even be violent, to the point of murder over these things. This is what I don't understand. Is it possible to understand? And let's be honest the point of understanding would be to change behavior. Not to stop it necessarily (well except for that killing people thing), but to refunnel it. Imagine that kind of veracity for fighting drop-out rates, ending child-hunger, or so many other causes that promote a better life.

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